PDFdu Page Cut
PDFdu Page Cut can cut and crop PDF pages.
PDFdu Page Cut is a tool designed to help you break PDF pages into multiple pieces. It can be easily configured.You can adjust the visible page area using the Crop Pages tool and the Set Page Boxes dialog box. PDFdu Page Cut can be used professionally to make PDF read more conveniently on the small screen devices, e.g., ipad, iphone, or other portable media devices with smaller screens.
Batch PDF Page Cut or Page Crop
- Break PDF pages into multiple pieces.
- Crop PDF files and remove the white margins of each page .
- Doesn't need Adobe Acrobat software and has faster processing speed.

Encrypt your result PDF
- Support PDF owner password or master password setting.
- Support PDF user password or open password setting.
- Set file permissions to prevent unauthorized users from printing, copying, and changing result PDF files.

Easy to Use,Save your precious time
- Support add watermark.
- Support drag and drop when input PDF files.
- Provides simple, attractive and easy to use interface.
- Doesn't depend on any print driver.